2008年1月7日 星期一








more on 自由市場blog

2 則留言:

Kempton 提到...

Hello Aries,

I am looking at the "Nutrition Facts" of one of my favourite cookies, the Chunks Ahoy! Triple Chocolate cookies and I thought of the following.

I agree that there are cost associated with adding the labels for manufacturers in HK but these costs are mostly one time cost (unless they change the recipe or the gov change the labeling law again). So the manufacturers' loud complains and their desire to pass over the cost by increasing the prices might work seem a bit of over-dramatization and may work if they had good PR and convince the consumers of their "theory".

Now, "立法強制推行營養標籤,其實是奪去了市民選擇不要營養標籤、但價格較低食品的機會,更不要說這些因而撤出香港市場的食品。"

I really can't imagine mfgs that produce products in mass quantity makes any sense to exit the HK market because of a one-time cost.

With respect to the above first point, unless there is a well-defined and clear labeling law, un-regulated volunteer labeling has a dubious tendency of creating confusing multiple standards that can be useless and vague labeling that may not help customers make good health decision in the long run.

Let me emphasize, I am not naive enough to trust the government blindly. But with some health experts, the government may be able to learn from international practices and cut the cost of these analysis (as there must be standard equipments, methods, training available to meet these standards).

As usual, I am no expert and I don't really know what I want to say half of the time. (smile)



Hi Kempton,

Associated cost is significant or not should not be our focus. Instead, we should talk about cost and benefit from the nutrition facts.

My arguement is simple. If benefit does not exceed its cost, I can't see the reason in promoting it. If it does, I doubt why manufacturers haven't grasped such opportunity by introducing food with nutrition facts (just like those healthy food).

When governmnet try to fix market failure, my concerns are: 1. why market fails 2. does government have an advantage in handling the matter over market.


火雞最好味的時候,就係未食和食第一啖之間 - 麥兜

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. - Adam Smith

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it - Voltaire