2008年12月20日 星期六


近來讀了兩篇很好的文章,一是林行止先生回應龔耀輝(原筆名方卓如)《三十幾歲,真「大鑊」》一文的《漁火偷渡客 江上數峰青》,一是曾國平教授(想不到的,這竟然是我"喜歡看"的其中一個網誌,果然是網絡無邊界)的《給香港的青年公共知識分子》。




2 則留言:

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Interesting articles by 林行止 and 曾國平 (plus the two articles he discussed). Just two comments.

I highly recommend the book Mr. Lam talked about -- Outliers by Gladwell. In case your readers are too busy to read, check out the audio book CD read by the author. (Something good to listen to while I drive and shovel snow. :)

re 曾國平's article, in particular, "Karl Popper未淪落至一個笑話". Ultimately, it is 禤先生's challenge to overcome. I think progress comes from questioning and doubts of what others (including our teachers and established thinkers) have said before us. Contempt of others tends to blind us.

Leona 提到...





火雞最好味的時候,就係未食和食第一啖之間 - 麥兜

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. - Adam Smith

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it - Voltaire