2008年7月30日 星期三

Canon Vs Canon

為了好趁旅行留倩影,正為六千多元的Canon 的單鏡反光機 EOS 450D猶豫未決。近日Canon卻再退一步,推出入門版的入門版,EOS1000DEOS1000D的價錢較EOS 450D平約千五元,功能當然遜色一點(其實除了一些數字,我是對於其他分別毫無認識),但或許更配合我這樣的門外漢。


3 則留言:

Kempton 提到...


May be you know this already, but http://www.dpreview.com is a great site for digital camera reviews. And the two cameras you are interested in have both been reviewed by them.



I recommend reading both reviews, and then pay special attention to the conclusion sections.

Ultimately, you are buying a camera for your own personal needs and you know what you need most the best and don't let the spec wow you too much. The technological improvement is going to be so great that you can buy a new camera in a few years for a similar price for something as good as those you need to pay for a small car. :)

Now, if money is no object and you love to spend, may I recommend buying **TWO** of the Hasselblad H3DII-50 and send one my way. (Smile) They are for sale for only $39,995.


Good luck and have fun picking.

匿名 提到...

The truth is that the camera body is only half the battle, because the other important component is the lenses. Moreover, the most important factor of good pictures lies in the person behind the camera body, and not the camera and the lens. Do not get overwhelmed too much by the specifications of the camera bodies, and just go out and capture more. You will get better and better by doing it as often as you can than from holding on to a feature full camera with features you may hardly use.


Dear lasallejai,

Yes, totally agree that "the most important factor of good pictures lies in the person behind the camera body".

Oh, there is no hope for improvement then(smile).


火雞最好味的時候,就係未食和食第一啖之間 - 麥兜

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. - Adam Smith

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it - Voltaire