2008年7月30日 星期三





中國的經濟制度(The Economic System of China),張五常:大教授為高斯發起的中國經濟改革研討會所寫的長文,中文版文早已於《信報》連載,亦已細閱。本來對於花真金白銀買由報章文章結集的書甚有保留,但大教授這篇集多年經驗、心血的長文,實需反覆細閱,故不假思索已握於手中。順道一提,大教授的新近的書都以百元為價,有理由相信大教授是以"本",而不是頁數作為定價的委托。

歷史上的大暖化(The Great Warming),Brian Fagan:不是甚麼明日之後或絕望真相(An Inconvenient Truth,這個譯名差得可以)這類的驚世預言,而是一本關於過去的温暖期如何影響各地的歷史。氣候影響歷史,在黃仁宇教授的中國大歷史中略有所聞,從大暖化則應該可窺全豹。

最後一本,於練乙錚的中國、羅伯.法蘭克(Robert H. Frank)的經濟自然學(The Economic Naturalist)和賴建誠的西洋經濟史的趣味(The Taste of Western Economic History)之間徘徊。練教授的中國是《信報》專欄文章的結集,練教授的文章確好,但說過買這類結集多有保留。經濟自然學(The Economic Naturalist)則承蘋果橘子經濟學之勇,卻正是怕兩者方向過於相似。

反而西洋經濟史的趣味(The Taste of Western Economic History),在歷史加入經濟角度,當中不是空口講白話,而是有不少歷史資料,故買之。


2 則留言:

Kempton 提到...

So many good books, I look forward to your blogging about your insights from reading them. (In particular 練乙錚的中國) And of course, for your comments and feedback on 張五常大教授的長文 in here and in "Free Lunch".

P.S. I thought about adding Prof. Cheung's new book onto my shelf but I hope he won't me waiting for Prof. Coase's edited papers (to be published by U of Chicago Press) of the Chicago conference. OK, I admit it, I am cheap. :)


Hey kempton, do tell me when the collection of papers is out.


火雞最好味的時候,就係未食和食第一啖之間 - 麥兜

It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest. - Adam Smith

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it - Voltaire